We provide world-wide consulting and legal services including: Expert Witness,
Project Management, Cost Estimating, and Investment Advisor
Expert Witness

Peter Alexander has served as Expert Witness to establish valid construction claims on behalf of His Highness The Ruler's Court of Dubai v. Bechtel, copyright infringement claims against major theme parks, ride accident cases, and has appeared before administrative and civil courts in several countries as a feasibility expert. In each case, the court's judgment in favor of his client was attributed in large part to his expert, professional testimony. As opposed to being a professional "expert witness," Peter Alexander is a professional theme park expert who provides court testimony.
Project Management

Some clients bring us projects for which they have already selected a designer, but need an objective and professional project manager who understands theme park design to guide the project from concept to completion. In other cases, clients request we perform both design and project management services, including design/build construction. We are proud of our record for "turn key" projects and should you decide on Totally Fun Company, it will prove to be a "golden" key.
Cost Estimating Investment Advisor

We provide cost estimates, often during the conceptual stage when there are more "ideas" than designs or drawings, for any size or type of theme park or attraction. We use our more than 40 years of experience in designing and building themed attractions in this process. Essentially, when there are few or no drawings, we design the project based on experience, knowing that many "blanks" will be filled in as the design progresses, and anticipating what amounts will be necessary to fill in those "blanks."
As the design progresses, so does the detail of our estimates so that when you reach the construction drawing stage, we can provide a full and complete estimate by trade. There is no project too small or too large for us to tackle. We estimate our own construction work, and have never lost money on a project, nor have we overcharged a client, so let us do for you what we do for ourselves--make you money with a solid conceptual or construction estimate.

Either through "Expert Networks" or directly to clients, we have provided research and analysis to investment funds and individual investors.
Sometimes, this advice can come in the form of reports that take some weeks to compile, as when we provided a detailed plan to the major stockholders of Six Flags as to which parks should be divested. (Our plan was followed to the letter, after which, with new management, the parks became more profitable.)
Other times our consultation is over the phone, often through an "expert network," and lasts only an hour or so. If you choose to spend an hour on the phone with Mr. Alexander, you will be able to "pick the brain" of one of the greatest theme park designers of all time for a nominal fee. Sometimes, these one-hour consultations grow into major projects. As a result of these initial consultations, we have been requested to critique and revise master plans, analyze new attractions and marketing strategies, comment on admission price hikes and for one investment group, even design a new type of ride that, if built, would make a chain of parks worth acquiring.